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United States of Innovation

Bringing together two governors committed to investing in EV jobs

By Rivian

Both Illinois and South Carolina have invested significantly in onshoring American automotive manufacturing through strategic support for new EV brands. The reasons why go far beyond considerations of climate and carbon.

On Tuesday, March 11, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster (R) and Illinois Governor JB Pritzker (D) sat down with Rivian Policy Manager Hannah Steinweg for an in-depth conversation on innovation, jobs, and building a better future with electric vehicles.

As the industry has grown, EVs win on cost of ownership, capability, and “cool.”

Automotive manufacturing requires hundreds of suppliers, thousands of employees, and support from a broad industrial base. Beyond providing good jobs building high-tech cars and trucks, the ripple effects of hosting a manufacturing plant can generate billions in indirect economic benefits and—most importantly—support the creation of generational wealth that lifts up communities and provides more opportunity. 

And, as both Governors would be happy to tell you, EVs are just so much fun to drive.

The keys to prosperity in the Palmetto State: economic growth, educational excellence, and environmental and cultural heritage.

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