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⚡️ Stockholm, Sweden ⚡️

By Rivian

Rivian’s Chief Sustainability Officer Anisa Costa and Head of Sustainability at Polestar, Fredrika Klarén, sat down together at Stockholm Climate Week. Their conversation centered around the Pathway Report that Rivian and Polestar co-commissioned earlier this year.

The report revealed that the automotive industry is set to overshoot the IPCC 1.5-degree target by over 75% if there is no urgent action taken. It underscores that electrification alone will not be enough and details a 3-lever approach that will require automakers and suppliers to find new ways of working together. 

Read the full report here.

“I think that we, as young companies, need to actively seek out collaboration in the industry. With Rivian I felt a kindred spirit.

Fredrika Klarén Polestar Head of Sustainability

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Anisa and Fredrika recorded a candid conversation that shares insight into the collaboration between Rivian and Polestar, and how they're working to invite as many other partners as possible to accelerate change for the industry.

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Details on how the Pathway Report came to life, the results it surfaced and what purpose it serves to the automotive industry.

“If we’re all working from the same playbook and the same data, we can move much more quickly, which is what’s needed.”

Anisa Costa

The Pathway Report outlines three impact levers that must be applied at the same time in order to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement to stay within the PICC 1.5-degree target. The first lever is the transition to electric vehicles – global sales of all vehicles must be electric by 2032. The second lever requires that all electric vehicle charging runs entirely on renewable energy by 2032. The third lever details the need to decarbonize the entire supply chain by at least 80%.

Reactions to the results of the Pathway Report, optimism towards driving forward with existing solutions and a discussion on the power of collective impact.
“My jaw dropped when they said that we were over-shooting by 75% because I was hoping it wouldn’t be that bad.”

Fredrika Klarén

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“The automotive industry has to embrace radical transparency. This will only bring value.”

Fredrika Klarén

Applying the three levers will present a monumental challenge to the industry. It will require automakers and suppliers to work on a collective approach across all three areas of impact.

“Each incremental step adds up. The dialogues that this report has started and the relationships it has fostered will only grow from here.”

Anisa Costa

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Thoughts on gearing-up for the long haul, how to invite others to join the conversation and encouraging all employees to act as ambassadors.

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